The Beige Plus Gucci Leather Handbag is one of the products in the Gucci 'canvas' bags family. This is a family it shares with among other bags, the Babouska Evening Bag Gucci Bag, the Gucci Bag, the Gucci Hobbo Series, the Joy Large Boston (193602) Gucci Bag and the Sabrina Red (189848) Red Gucci bag, among others. I am quite a bit fan of Gucci bags, which I have been using for quite a number of years now. But of all Gucci bags that I have gotten to make use, it is the Beige Plus Red Gucci Leather Handbag, which I only had the opportunity to use recently, that I have found myself most enchanted with.
When you first come across a Beige Plus Red Gucci Leather Handbag, the first impression you get of it is that it is an elegant bag. As name suggests, the main colors on it are beige and red. But the red is used very sparingly, lest the bag become too 'loud;' so that it is the beige (which is largely a 'quiet color') that comes out most strongly on the bag. The red only occurs on a strip towards the center of the bag, and on its handle; definitely making a statement but not 'dominating the show.'
Beige Plus Gucci Leather Handbag is quite a huge bag. At 17.7 inches in width, 15.3 inches in height, and 3.4 inches in depth, that is the only way you can describe this bag. These dimensions make it a darling for the 'large handbag' enthusiasts. It is also an ideal bag for ladies who may not necessarily be big handbag fanatics; but who nonetheless want a bag in which they can fit their wares quite comfortably.
The trim on Beige Plus Red Gucci Leather Handbag is red in color, and is made from leather. The advantage of leather trim (as opposed, for instance, to synthetic-material based trim) is that leather trim is truly durable. This is important, for it is at the edges of bags, the points covered by trim, that bags tend to fall apart.
Contrary to what one would first expects, it turns out that Beige Plus Red Gucci Leather Handbag is quite an affordable bag.
To make for comfortable carriage of the bag, Gucci provides the users of Beige Plus Red Gucci Leather Handbag with a handle, actually a double handle, made from leather through which the bag can be carried. A leather handle, in addition to being strong, is also remarkably comfortable to the hands of the person handling it.
The hardware on Beige Plus Red Gucci Leather Handbag is made from a light tone of gold. The hardware we are looking at here includes the zipper (Beige Plus Red Gucci Leather Handbag has a number of zips, on the inside and the outside); which are the closure mechanisms Gucci provides the users of this bag with.
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